by jeremy_admin | Feb 23, 2016 | News
Ted penned a guest column for the Daily Business Review about how a couple of recent Georgia and Florida appellate courts (3rd and 11th circuits) rulings in essence make it significantly harder for plaintiffs to win class-action status for lawsuits involving...
by jeremy_admin | Feb 23, 2016 | News
Brian Bieber interviewed by Reuters, Associated Press (among several other media) about the prosecution of a former president of the UN General Assembly and others. Bieber represents former UN Ambassador Francis Lorenzo, also charged in this alleged scheme....
by jeremy_admin | Feb 23, 2016 | News
Elizabeth talks about Chobani and Dannon yogurt war with Food Dive.
by jeremy_admin | Jan 4, 2016 | News
FOX News interview with Alex Petrossian of Petrossian Caviar, discussing the buying and eating of caviar, including Healthy Earth’s caviar, which he describes as very well balanced and delicious. Based in Sarasota, sustainable seafood venture Healthy Earth...
by jeremy_admin | Dec 22, 2015 | News
The Miami Herald’s Evan Benn reviews Healthy Earth’s sustainably farm-raised caviar. Based in Sarasota, sustainable seafood venture Healthy Earth is supported and led by a team of veteran entrepreneurs and internationally-recognized marine scientists.