Why the embargoed press release no longer makes sense

When PR clients talk about timing for pitching journalists on a story idea, be it the launch of a new product or filing of a lawsuit, every so often someone will ask about whether we should issue an “embargoed” press release. For those unfamiliar with media industry...

Nervous of getting misquoted? Write a guest column!

The most common reason clients tell me they’re nervous about being interviewed by a print or online journalist is that they worry they could be misquoted. Or at very least, the resulting story won’t accurately portray them or their company. Fair enough. To be...

Why PR isn’t always what you or your company need

It’s true enough, as a once-famous psychologist said, that if the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. As a publicist, I admit I often see PR as a useful way to promote one’s goods or services, as well as to burnish reputations. But...