by jeremy_admin | Dec 4, 2019 | News
Tech-savvy Sarasota architects Sean Williams and Jean-Frederic Monod, Carbon Design & Architecture, talk with the Business Observer about how they have created a virtual reality solution to solve real-world construction problems before they occur. You can read...
by jeremy_admin | Dec 4, 2019 | News
Fort Lauderdale trial attorney Jeffrey Haberman talks with the New York Times about how Juul allegedly targets teens. Haberman and his colleagues at Schlesinger Law Offices, have filed multiple suits around the country against the vaping company on behalf of teens...
by jeremy_admin | Dec 4, 2019 | News
Fort Lauderdale trial attorney Scott Schlesinger talks with the Washington Post about his potentially landmark courtroom victory against Big Tobacco – and for gay couples nationwide. You can read more about it here.
by jeremy_admin | Dec 3, 2019 | News
A Florida jury has awarded the husband of a same-sex couple more than $157 million after his spouse died from lung cancer caused by smoking cigarettes. The potentially landmark case is also a victory for gay couples nationwide. Fort Lauderdale attorney Scott...
by jeremy_admin | Nov 15, 2019 | News
Tampa attorney, and former U.S. Army infantryman, Matt Hall was a guest on WFLA’s Bloom TV Veterans Day show today to talk (reluctantly) about how he’s using his legal and military experience to help fellow local veterans in all manner of ways, including...